Growth Articles | Case Studies

Use Product Listing Ads on marketplaces to grow sales & new customers

Written by Team ROAS Expert | Apr 2, 2023 6:45:00 AM

Product Listing Ads (PLAs) are an effective way to promote your products on various online marketplaces and attract new customers. PLAs are a type of online advertising that displays your products along with their images, titles, prices, and other relevant information directly in search results on marketplaces. This allows shoppers to easily find and compare your products with those of your competitors.

At ROAS Expert, we understand the importance of reaching your target audience where they are shopping. That's why we recommend using PLAs as a part of your overall marketing strategy. Here are some key benefits of using PLAs to grow your sales and customer base on marketplaces:

  1. Increased visibility: PLAs can help increase the visibility of your products on marketplaces, as they appear at the top of search results pages. This means that shoppers are more likely to see your products and consider them over those of your competitors.

  2. More qualified traffic: PLAs help attract more qualified traffic to your listings, as shoppers who click on your ads have already shown an interest in your product. This means that they are more likely to make a purchase.

  3. Better conversion rates: PLAs have been shown to have higher conversion rates than traditional display ads. This is because they provide shoppers with more detailed information about your products, such as images and prices, which makes it easier for them to make a purchasing decision.

  4. Improved ROI: By using PLAs, you can better track the performance of your ads and make adjustments as needed to improve your ROI. This means that you can optimize your campaigns to ensure that you are getting the most out of your advertising spend.

  5. Access to new customers: PLAs can help you reach new customers who may not have otherwise discovered your products. By appearing at the top of search results pages, you can attract shoppers who are actively searching for products like yours.

At ROAS Expert, we have helped numerous clients successfully implement PLAs to increase their sales and reach new customers on marketplaces. Our team of experts can help you create effective campaigns that target the right audience, optimize your product listings, and track your results to ensure that you are getting the best possible ROI.

Ready to take your marketplace advertising to the next level with Product Listing Ads? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow your sales and customer base with PLAs.