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Personal Care Brands Run Ads on ShareChat/Moj to Target Asian Audience

Personal Care Brands Run Ads on ShareChatMoj to Target Asian Audience

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and brands are always looking for new ways to reach their target audiences. With the rise of short-form video platforms like ShareChat and Moj, personal care brands are now turning to these platforms to reach Asian audiences in a new and engaging way.

ShareChat and Moj are two of the most popular short-form video platforms in Asia, with millions of active users. These platforms allow users to create and share short videos, and personal care brands are now using them to reach their target audiences through targeted ads.

In this article, the ROAS Expert team will explore why personal care brands are running ShareChat/Moj ads and how they are leveraging these platforms to drive growth for their businesses.

Targeting Asian Audiences

The personal care industry is highly competitive, and brands need to be strategic about how they reach their target audiences. With ShareChat and Moj, personal care brands can target Asian audiences more effectively. These platforms have a large and diverse user base, including a significant number of users from rural and semi-urban areas.

By running targeted ads on these platforms, personal care brands can reach Asian audiences in a way that resonates with them. These ads can be highly customized based on factors like age, gender, location, and interests. This allows brands to create ads that speak directly to their target audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Building Brand Awareness

Another reason why personal care brands are running ShareChat/Moj ads is to build brand awareness. These platforms offer a highly engaging and shareable format, allowing brands to create ads that capture attention and inspire action.

By creating compelling ads that resonate with their target audience, personal care brands can build brand awareness and increase brand recall. This can lead to increased traffic to their websites, social media channels, and ultimately, sales.

Driving Conversions

Ultimately, the goal of any advertising campaign is to drive conversions, and ShareChat/Moj ads are no exception. By targeting Asian audiences with compelling and personalized ads, personal care brands can drive conversions and increase revenue.

Their ads platform offers a variety of ad formats, including in-feed ads, sponsored challenges, and brand takeovers. By experimenting with different formats and messaging, personal care brands can find the most effective way to drive conversions and achieve their advertising goals.


Personal care brands are always looking for new and innovative ways to reach their target audiences. With the rise of ShareChat and Moj, they now have a powerful tool to reach Asian audiences in a way that resonates with them.

To achieve success in running ShareChat/Moj Ads for your personal care brand in the Asian market, you need the right expertise and experience in digital marketing. At ROAS Expert, we have a team of ads experts who are skilled in creating and executing successful advertising campaigns on ShareChat/Moj and other popular platforms. Book a call with us to learn more about how we can help your brand reach and engage with the Asian audience through effective digital advertising.

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